Abstract Submission Closed
Abstract Submission Guideline
- Abstracts should be no longer than one A4 page in
portrait layout.
- The title of the abstract should be as concise as
possible and should appear in bold, lower case and centred.
- Co-authors and affiliations below the title in italics
(the main author’s name should be underlined, and the name of the presenting author should be marked
with an asterisk (*)
- Abstract must be written in English and content should
have a maximum of 300 words.
- Abstracts are divided into four inbuilt headings –
Background, Method, Results and Conclusion. Do not include additional subheadings.
- Must be written in Times New Roman font, 12Pt.
- Single spacing throughout the content
- Use only standard abbreviations, special or unusual
abbreviations are not recommended.
- Do not include references in the abstract.
- The use of figures, graphs and schemes is not
- Abstracts should be uploaded online via the conference
- Please note there is a 1MB limit for online abstract
submission. If your abstract is larger, reduce the file size of your document.
- A confirmation mail will be sent in regards of
receiving your abstract and if no mail has been received within one week, please contact the
conference coordinator.
Guidelines for Oral Presentation
- All submitted abstracts will go through a peer review process carried out by a peer review committee. After successful review of your abstract, we will guide you further steps towards your presence at our event.
Oral Presentation
Guidelines for Oral Presentation
- Please be informed that there may be slight changes in
the program for any reason. So please be available in the meeting room from the conference start
time on the day of your presentation.
- Each speaker will have 8-10 minutes for presentation.
Please plan your talk for 7-8 minutes to allow for introduction and questions. In order to stay in
track of time, please ensure that you start and end your presentation on the times indicated in the
- Presentation should be submitted in PPT format. Be sure
your visuals are clear and very legible.
- Submit your presentation slides 7 days before the
conference via gericon2023@gmail.com and also bring a copy with you on flash drive or storage device
to the event.
- Please check and make sure that your presentations are
working properly before the session starts.
- The meeting room is equipped with digital projector,
screen, laptop, slider with pointer, cordless mike, desktop mike, basic sound system.
- Taking the timelines and technical set up into
consideration, using personal laptops are not recommended unless under unavoidable conditions.
Poster Presentation
Guidelines for poster presentation
- All posters will be allotted with a poster number in the final program. Presenters must locate their assigned poster display, which will be numbered, and hang their poster 1 hour before the poster session starts. Pasting or Hanging materials will be provided.
- Poster Dimensions: The display area for each poster on the poster board is 3 ft wide by 4ft high.
- All posters should be prepared in advance and brought to the conference by the presenters.
- On-site printing is NOT facilitated; it should be done in advance by the presenter.
- Presenters are asked to be available at their posters during the full poster session to discuss their posters with interested viewers.
- You need to collect your poster by end of the day; we dispose the posters left behind.
- Best Poster awards will be decided by poster judge and announced at the end of poster session.
Last date of Abstract submission – 31th August 2023